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A detail from one of the Templer houses in Haifa. The German inscription over the window translates to The Lord is nigh — 1871.

“The Lord is nigh – 1871”

In Haifa, the Templers built their homes at the foot of Mount Carmel, where they believed Jesus would appear. The inscription above a window on one of the houses says in German, “The Lord is nigh – 1871.”

Bahá’u’lláh stopped briefly in Haifa on his journey to ‘Akká in 1868 and again on three occasions between 1883 and 1891. During one visit He pitched His tent a short distance from this house.

Photo 2 of 8: A detail from one of the Templer houses in Haifa. The German inscription over the window translates to "The Lord is nigh — 1871."
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A detail from one of the Templer houses in Haifa. The German inscription over the window translates to The Lord is nigh — 1871.
A detail from one of the Templer houses in Haifa. The German inscription over the window translates to "The Lord is nigh — 1871." (Bahá'í World Centre archives, 2007)